
What is a Soulpreneur?

Virginia Elizabeth Scheuer

(pronounce my last name like taking a shower, LOL)

M.F.A., C.M.T, C.H.C, C.S.C, 9-12 Licensed Educator


What the heck is a soulpreneur?

This word can totally have a mystery around it, people could make assumptions, or if you are one, it's a word that can light you on fire.

That's what it did for me; the word soulpreneur lit my ass on fire. In the beginning, when the sparks started flying, I worked for the Beverly Hill Fire Department. Back in the day, I needed something that didn't interfere with my auditions, and trying to get to an audition on a lunch break in LA was impossible unless the job was willing to let me have a 2hr lunch break. And, I learned quickly from the Deputy Chief that although he understood my dilemma, he, with compassionate eyes, had to tell me no.

I loved those guys. They were the best.

However, anytime I hear the word no, I instantly say to myself, "where's the loophole? How can I get around this?" That's when I started searching for a profession where I could do it on my own time and still get to my auditions to do what I was "really" meant to do, be an actor... or, so I thought at the time.

That contrast out in LA is what sparked my entrepreneurial mindset. If you're an entrepreneur, it's ingrained in you. Entrepreneurs light up and get moving when said the word no. They are the best problem-solvers, and every one of them has the attitude of Go Big or go home. When being an entrepreneur, it's a part of the job requirement.

Google dictionary defines an entrepreneur as "a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so."

Webster's dictionary, "One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise."

But what is a soulpreneur?


Jill Pagano

"It was time to SHOW-UP, show-up for my mom, show-up for myself, and show up for others!"



"Being an entrepreneur isn't exactly the right definition for what I do, and who I am for this world."

It took a whole decade for me to embrace that I was indeed someone who thrived working for myself. After getting a masters degree in theatre and acting, my certification in massage therapy and health coaching, having my own brick and mortar off Dickson Street in Fayetteville, trying my hand at network marketing, was an adjunct professor, full-time 9-12 theatre, oral communications, forensics, and success coach for almost a decade, I realized I still hadn't found what it was that I was meant to be and do.

The only things that were very clear were that I didn't want to work for anyone, I didn't want to be an actor or full-time high school teacher any longer, and I would risk everything to live my dreams... although I didn't even know what the dream looked like. I would risk going into financial ruin, my family and friends thinking I'm crazy, and even my marriage. Which, anyone who knows me knows that I love Justin with all of my being, so that was huge.

Jumping head-first into a world of tons of risk with little to no resources can be scary, really scary, but because being an entrepreneur is in my blood, I did it! I also know 1000% that I needed to learn from those that had gone first, so I soaked up tons of social media marketing courses, listened to 100s of podcasts, and even jumped into some pretty amazing online paid communities.

It was there that I met many entrepreneurs and realized that I wasn't just an entrepreneur,

but truly a soulpreneur.

The difference is HUGE, and one that must be showcased, and understood.

The difference between an entrepreneur and a soulpreneur

I have met so many incredible entrepreneurs and soulpreneurs online! I didn't realize that there were so many people like me! It is a booming time for all of us, and it's so fun to witness so many that want the life that we lead.

But, the distinction is quite BIG once you know what to look for. Entrepreneurs will stop at nothing to be successful in terms of what society calls success. They want the fortune, the rank, and many, not all, want fame. So, they search for the thing that will make them the most money the most quickly. The entrepreneur definitely has a passion for whatever they are creating, and most are what we call serial-entrepreneurs or multi-passionate.

A true Soulpreneur is a bit different, and no, they do not have to be religious or even spiritual;

this is a misconception because of the word "soul."

A soulpreneur, at their best, is successful because they do not adhere to the typical hustle, grind, and fake it until you make it values.

Fame, fortune, and other typical success models do not scare a soulpreneur away. It isn't that these things are wrong or bad. On the contrary, the soulpreneur believes quite the opposite; they know that this success is great. The difference is that the soulpreneur will not put financial rewards, vanity metrics, and exterior factors as a top priority and by-pass listening to their own interior wisdom.

Helping people feel better and have more fulfilling lives is a top priority in many entrepreneurs and all soulpreneurs.

Both the soulpreneur and the entrepreneur will ask themselves, can I do this well? Does this align with my core values? Will this bring great value to others?

But, the soulpreneur takes these questions even further and asks, does this align with how I truly want to serve right now? Will this bring me joy? Will this disrupt the alignment I have to my own wellbeing? Ultimately, the soulpreneur has a deep understanding that everything else falls into place a lot more easefully when they are in alignment.

Is any of this resonating with you? I'd love to share with you more of my story about how I found my greatest happiness tuning into my work as a soulpreneur, but I believe I've done what you've asked. Answered the question, "What is a soulpreneur."

Feel free to follow & chat with me on Instagram at and join me inside the Body Soul App I founded and co-created. Download it in the APPLE app store or Google Play.

Til next time, xoxo, V

Virginia is a licensed educator that has taught for over a decade. She's a wholistic massage therapist, certified health, business & marketing coach, and was the co-founder and managing director of a 501c3 nonprofit theatre company. She loves helping those who want to do more good in this world. Virginia created a 6-figure online business within 2 years teaching soul + business alignment. Now, Virginia is focused on continuing her mission by creating software that is aligned for soulpreneurs and helping them share their gifts. She has already created a ripple effect that has changed thousands of lives, now she's looking forward to her first million.

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